Life without art is no life
So that we can continue to respond to our mission and so that we can grow this project to other geographic areas, it is essential to have new support, without which our growth will be compromised. We know where we want to go, we would like to be able to do so with your support to take this shared culture project further.
Your contribution can be made by sharing this site with all your contacts or through a donation.

Artistic residencies
Many of our creators, masters of their arts, have never left Cape-Verde, which is why your help is essential. Your help can do a lot for the artistic work of these creators and the creators are grateful.
Your contribution to the realization of artistic residencies that allow our creators to be exposed to different contexts and different artistic practices, will allow us to provide Cape Verdean creators represented on the platform with invaluable creative tools and make their works known to other audiences, enabling They also benefit from collaboration with other international creators.
Action to take
The Voador platform brings together and publicizes the work of 27 creators from different areas (Plastic Arts, Illustration, Design, Photography and Crafts) from the different islands of the Cape Verdean archipelago.

Your help
will allow
Carrying out international artistic residencies;
Enable exposure of our creators to different contexts and different artistic practices;
Provide Cape Verdean creators represented on this platform with invaluable creative tools and,
Make your works known to other audiences, thus enabling collaboration with other creators at an international level.